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Over the course of 100 years, numerous artefacts have been accumulated in the Theatre and Music Museum and they are as special as the stories they tell and the people who owned them. Through these stories, a world opens filled with sadness and joy, new beginnings and final goodbyes, eternal love and little mischiefs, sporting rivalry and the joy of play. We have selected 100 objects from the museum collection for the exhibition and accompanied them with stories and pictures. 

For the first time, the entire building of the Theatre and Music Museum has been opened to the public, and at the exhibition, visitors can access rooms where the archives used to be or where historians worked. We are happy to show our treasures to celebrate the museum's birthday with you.

Curators: Ann Aaresild, Annely Kaldoja, Veronika Portsmuth
Project manager: Triin Kerge
Spatial design and production: Ionel Lehari, Maret Põldre, Ants Lusti (Identity), Siim Lekko (Printhouse)
Graphic design: Identity & Kätlin Tischler-Süld (Eesti Ajaloomuuseum)
Dramatist: Kaur Riismaa
Language editing: Hille Saluäär
Translations: Alias Tõlkeagentuur
Conservators: Theodora Kormpaki, Liisu Ristal

Exhibition team:

Ene Kuljus, Marika Palu, Seidi Raid, Kaisa Luik, Simmo Priks, Helene Tedre, Krista Arro, Anu Liho, Minna Kaldvee, Koit Annus, Riho Ints, Galina Zaitseva, Aime Tahvonen, Aime Andresson

Thank you:

Ivo Uukkivi, Märt Meos, Andres Noormets, Ott Maaten (Rahvusooper Estonia), Ülle Kogerman (Rahvusooper Estonia), Tanel Verk (Tallinna Linnamuuseumi fotomuuseum), Toomas Tross, Kristjan Hallik (ERSO, Pärnu Muusikafestival), Mari Kaljuste, Andres Kaljuste, Tõnu Kaljuste, Kaupo Kikkas, Margot Peterson, Aveli Kadastik (Eesti Näitlejate Liit), Tõnn Lamp (Eesti Näitlejate Liit), Mari Tuuling, Eero Ehala, Iti Niinemets (Eesti Noorsooteater)