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Story of the Film Museum

The Film Museum presents an introduction to the filmmaking process and the history of Estonian cinema and preserves and presents film heritage. The exhibition “Take One” takes a look at the history of Estonian film and behind the scenes in the world of film, inviting us to explore the mysterious life of the moving image and providing the opportunity to take on different roles in a film crew.

In addition to the permanent exhibition, the Film Museum has a modern 210-seat cinema for film programmes. Temporary smaller exhibitions deal with subjects in Estonian and world film history. With the use of a green screen, you can step into the frame and try the magic of film for yourself. The Film Museum collects and preserves costumes, props, photographs and designs related to Estonian film. The largest amount of material concerns the legendary film studio Tallinnfilm. Education and curricular programmes offer younger people a practical exposure to filmmaking.

The Film Museum was established in 2006 and has been operating in its own architecturally remarkable building in the Maarjamäe Palace complex since 2017. The "red carpet" running through the palace park leads to the Film Museum. In traversing the Film alley, the visitor is exposed to the history of local cinema told through playful artworks.

The Film Museum is part of the Estonian History Museum.

The architectural project for the Film Museum was produced by BOA OÜ and Innopolis Insenerid OÜ, the interior architectural solution was created by Ville Lausmäe.

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