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„Between Life and Death. Stories of Rescue during the Holocaust“


We invite you to the exhibition „Between Life and Death. Stories of Rescue during the Holocaust“

The exhibition presents the stories of persecuted Jews during the Second World War from thirteen European countries. The display gives a voice to the rescuers and those rescued and takes visitors through a story of acts of great courage and extraordinary will to survive.

The exhibition is open at the Estonian History Museum Great Guild Hall from 19 September till 17 November.

The exhibition “Between Life and Death” presents the individual stories of rescuers and those rescued, tells war biographies from various European countries and shows them in a larger historical context. Rather than presenting a historical narrative, the rescue stories during the Holocaust evoke a universal dimension. They focus on courage and integrity in the most adverse circumstances.

The exhibition shows support and solidarity in the face of rampant barbarism, which are signs of hope for future generations. We present a captivating journey through history and produce an intimate collection of personal narratives.

For more information on the project click here: